Washing rice
We wash the rice mainly to get rid of the starch. In order to wash the rice, put it in a bowl or the pot and cover it
with cold water. Use your hand to to stire the rice around. The water will get merky from the starch. Use a sief or
colender to get rid of the starchy water and repeat the process a around 3-5 times until the water runs clean.
Chicken, Rice and Broccoli was and in many ways still is the standard when it comes to a Bodybuilding. In many ways if you're at the supermarket, are hungry and don't know what to eat tonight, Chicken, Rice and Broccoli is always the answer.
Ingrediants: | |
100g | Basmati Rice |
4 pc. | Cardamon |
2 pc. | Star Anise |
1 pc. | Broccoli |
1 pc. | Nutmeg |
1 pc. (300g) | Chicken Breast |
15g | Butter r |
30g | Canola Oil |
Baking Soda | |
Salt | |
Pepper |
Equipment Essential: |
Stove w. 3 plates |
Small pot with lid |
Middle pot with lid |
Pan |
Chefsknife |
Equipment Optional: |
Folding steamer Basket |
Nutmeg grater |
Cooking Basmati Rice
Basmati Rice normally needs water in the ratio 2:1. The idea is that the rice absorbs the 200ml of water.
In order to
Washing Broccoli
Wash the Broccoli under cold running water. In order to cut it into florets, just grep it at the stemp
and cut off the small Broccoli florets. Either Discard the stemp or peal it and cut it into peaces for
the cook to enjoy.
Steaming Broccoli
Steaming Broccoli preserves more taste than cooking it in water. Everything cooked in water will
give some of its aromas to the water. We add the baking soda to preserve the green color. The
Salt in the water can be more, as only the steam is in contact with the Broccoli.
Preparing Chicken Breast
Take the knife and remove unnessecary fat as well as tendons, ligaments or bones from the breast.
Sometimes the filet will still be attached. Remove it and add it later. It's for the chef!
No Conent needed
No Conent needed
No Conent needed
No Conent needed
No Conent needed
Finishing the meat
Adding herbs, like Rosmary, Thyme to the pan will give the chicken mor layers of flavour.
The same goes for the garlic. The knob of butter ~15 grams will add additional flavour
to the chicken. Basting the meat with a spoon, simply means tilting the pan, taking
a spoon full of oil butter mix and spooning it over the meat to moisten and brown it.
Finishing the meat
Adding herbs, like Rosmary, Thyme to the pan will give the chicken mor layers of flavour.
The same goes for the garlic. The knob of butter ~15 grams will add additional flavour
to the chicken. Basting the meat with a spoon, simply means tilting the pan, taking
a spoon full of oil butter mix and spooning it over the meat to moisten and brown it.
Finishing the meat
Adding herbs, like Rosmary, Thyme to the pan will give the chicken mor layers of flavour.
The same goes for the garlic. The knob of butter ~15 grams will add additional flavour
to the chicken. Basting the meat with a spoon, simply means tilting the pan, taking
a spoon full of oil butter mix and spooning it over the meat to moisten and brown it.
Finishing the meat
Adding herbs, like Rosmary, Thyme to the pan will give the chicken mor layers of flavour.
The same goes for the garlic. The knob of butter ~15 grams will add additional flavour
to the chicken. Basting the meat with a spoon, simply means tilting the pan, taking
a spoon full of oil butter mix and spooning it over the meat to moisten and brown it.
Finishing the meat
Adding herbs, like Rosmary, Thyme to the pan will give the chicken mor layers of flavour.
The same goes for the garlic. The knob of butter ~15 grams will add additional flavour
to the chicken. Basting the meat with a spoon, simply means tilting the pan, taking
a spoon full of oil butter mix and spooning it over the meat to moisten and brown it.